Chaetoceros decipiens

Sample Date: | 2008-04-12 |
Salinity in psu: | 20.6 |
Station: | South Terrebonne Bay, LA |
Latitude: | 29.15085 |
Longitude: | -90.572067 |
Depth in Meters: | 0 |
Microscope Magnification: | 200 X |
Camera Zoom: | 1.20 X |
Organism Size: | 9.5 μm wide x 19.0 μm long (one cell) |
Microscope Light: | Transmitted |
Preservative: | Gluteraldehyde |
Organism Comments: | Note how the setae fuse together for some distance and then become forked; also the thicker terminal setae that are first divergent then become parallel to chain axis |
General Comments: | |