Skeletonema costatum
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Taxonomic Group: Diatom
Trophic Status: Autotrophic
Size Range: 5.7-10.0 ?m wide x 5.0-13.3 ?m long (LUMCON Guide); 3-20 ?m wide (Cupp 1943); 2-21 ?m wide (Horner 2002, Tomas 1997)
Key Characteristics: Cells elliptical or cylindrical with rounded ends; valve face convex to flat, with a row of robust tubular processes at the edge of the valve that interlock midway between adjacent cells; space between cells may be long or short; chains long, usually straight; one (often appears C-shaped) or two chloroplasts
Confused With: other Skeletonema species, especially S. subsalsum
Toxin: None known