Eucampia cornuta
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Eucam_co1.jpg dscn5018.jpg NSCN0380.jpg
NSCN0373.jpg NSCN8556.jpg
Taxonomic Group: Diatom
Trophic Status: Autotrophic
Size Range: 11.4-26.6 μm wide x 49.4-105 μm long (LUMCON Guide); 29-36 μm wide (Cupp 1943); 13-60 μm wide (Tomas 1997)
Key Characteristics: Cells slightly curved in broad girdle view, with two blunt horns that are usually fairly long and narrow; numerous intercalary bands (ribs) that are sometimes difficult to see in water mounts; chloroplasts numerous and small
Confused With: Eucampia zodiacus, which has shorter, thicker horns and thus apertures that are not as wide; also intercalary bands are not ribbed and are scarcely visible in E. zodiacus
Toxin: None known